
Showing posts from May, 2016

WORDS - Healer & Dealer

Words hold the power to destroy, but they also hold the power to create.  This is because words do more than define our experiences.  In many cases they actually create them. Help me finish the following phrase: “If you can’t say something nice…” That’s right: “don’t say anything at all.”  Most of us only think of that phrase in terms of how we talk to others.  But what about how we talk to ourselves?  If we say something nice to ourselves, it can be wonderful, encouraging, uplifting.  And if we say something negative or critical or depressing to ourselves, it can be absolutely devastating. What about that little voice that lives inside all of us?  You know what I’m talking about.  Listen.  I bet you can hear it right now:  “What voice?  I don’t have a little voice.  This Sean guy is crazy.  I ate too much and feel bloated.  I’m tired.  That girl over there doesn’t like me.  Did I leave the stove on? ...