
WORDS - Healer & Dealer

Words hold the power to destroy, but they also hold the power to create.  This is because words do more than define our experiences.  In many cases they actually create them. Help me finish the following phrase: “If you can’t say something nice…” That’s right: “don’t say anything at all.”  Most of us only think of that phrase in terms of how we talk to others.  But what about how we talk to ourselves?  If we say something nice to ourselves, it can be wonderful, encouraging, uplifting.  And if we say something negative or critical or depressing to ourselves, it can be absolutely devastating. What about that little voice that lives inside all of us?  You know what I’m talking about.  Listen.  I bet you can hear it right now:  “What voice?  I don’t have a little voice.  This Sean guy is crazy.  I ate too much and feel bloated.  I’m tired.  That girl over there doesn’t like me.  Did I leave the stove on? ...

The Free Prisoner

Life - we see it all around us,buzzing, moving, and still.   Happiness and sadness both exist at the same time. This reminds me of the basic principle of accounting - For every credit there is an equal debit.  Happiness, sadness is it real, fake, perception or plain mirage? What we all perceive is with respect to. That one is more happy than me. That one has more wealth than me. That one is more lucky than me.  What does it mean? It means that we ignore our happiness and create sadness for ourselves. We are making ourselves a prisoner of our own thoughts. Is it necessary or has it become the only reason of our existence? The spirit is free and totally devoid of expectations.  Aren't we free prisoners?

What you do makes a difference.

Every act of yours, every choice you make each day contributes in one way or the other. Do not think that you are just a speck on the infinite canvas of life and it does not matter what you do – the world will always be the same. That’s not true and not the correct thinking. Your every action and every word makes a difference to someone. Your power - positive or negative contributes to the energy of the universe. A thoughtful mind and a motivated individual can change the world and history is a witness to this, that it always has and will always make a difference. The smallest seed gives birth to the tallest tree. The real change has and always starts with an individual, an individual who dares to dream of a different world, influences people to join him on the quest to get there, and takes action accordingly. Easier said than done – but it doesn’t have to be grandiose and insurmountable plan or action. It simply has to start with the intention of changing one person atleas...

Borrowing Strength Builds Weakness

Borrowing strength builds weakness   is a concept that hit close to home with me. When you borrow strength from others, you build weakness in your own character.    And just to be clear, we’re not talking about   effective delegation . Trying to do everything yourself is not only ineffective and impractical, but it’s selfish and just plain wasteful.  What we’re talking about here is the idea of staying within your comfort zone, avoiding risk, calling it quits too early, asking for help before you really   try , letting your inner weakness take over before you allow your inner strength the opportunity to build you up for the next time, etc. One of the realities of life is that challenge, struggle, and difficulty will always turn up on your path.  You can count on it.  And what we’re here to remind you of today, is that the other reality of life is that you always have 100% control over your mindset and how you choose t...

Only you can make the difference.............

One of our basic desires as humans is the desire to feel as though we are a part of something greater than ourselves.  It’s our desire to feel as though we have contributed, that we have given back, and that we have made a difference in the world – so that we may find comfort in the way we have lived our life. Too often, we get caught in the trap of thinking that if we can’t make a big enough difference in the world – then it’s not even worth trying.  We play these wonderful, grandiose, and romantic images in our mind of how we can change the world… only to be confronted by the reality of how darn big the world  really  is!  …And with limited resources and time, our list of blockades, challenges, and excuses tally up and ultimately immobilize us through frustration. And when  that  happens… We miss our  real  opportunity. Our family.  Our friends.  Our neighbors.  Our co-workers.  Our community m...


I see people all of the time become victims of their circumstances and life challenges.  When life gets tough or depressing, they adopt a negative perspective and think to themselves about how unfair life is:  How they should have been born into better circumstances with more money; or how they should have been given better opportunities; or how things should have happened differently. Well, the truth of the matter is that life is going to  happen  – sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse.  The one true thing that you will always have 100% control over is your response to these events.  When you adopt a positive attitude and always look for the good in any given circumstance –  how could you not move forward…?

Reaction & Response

Reaction & Response - Do I have a choice? In a restaurant where me and my family were dining, suddenly, a cockroach flew from somewhere and sat on a lady. I wondered if this was the cockroach's response to all the glory that was spoken about it! She started screaming out of fear. With panic stricken face and trembling voice, she started jumping, with both her hands desperately trying to get rid of the cockroach. Her reaction was contagious, as everyone in her group got cranky to what was happening. The lady finally managed to push the cockroach to another lady in the group. Now, it was the turn of the other lady in the group to continue the drama. The waiter rushed forward to their rescue.  In the relay of throwing, the cockroach next fell upon the waiter. The waiter stood firm, composed himself and observed the behavior of the cockroach on his shirt. When he was confident enough, he grabbed and threw it out with his fingers. Sipping my coffee a...